Q:     top 15 FAQ for Show Who Teaches What

Show Who Teaches What TOP 15 Most Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I remove students from a course?
What if the teacher doesn't teach a course that is in her list of courses?
What if the teacher is missing a course?
What if the teacher teaches this course but to a different grade/homeroom?
Why is this course locked and how can I unlock it?
What does the year mean next to a course ('2016', '2015', etc.)?
How can I remove an empty/unused course?
What if a teacher has a duplicate course?
What if the grade book description is incorrect?
What if the subcategories are incorrect?
What if the course name needs to be changed?
How can I reassign a course (or courses) to another teacher?
What if the grade scale is wrong?
What if the students in the course are duplicated or doubled?
If a teacher has left, how can I assign her courses to the new teacher?

How do I remove students from a course?
1.) Click the 'Edit Roster' link for that course in the far right column.
2.) A new internet window/tab will open showing the roster. Underneath the last student's name in the far left column will be a drop down that reads 'Select homeroom'. Do not make any selection in that drop down (do not choose a homeroom) and then click 'Replace Roster'.
3.) The students in the far left column will disappear, which means they have been removed from the course. Close this internet window/tab.
4.) When you return to the list of courses for this teacher in Show Who Teaches What, click the 'Edit' button at the top of the page, which is located next to the instructor drop down.
5.) When the page reloads, the empty course will still appear in the teacher's list of courses in Show Who Teaches What (it will appear near the bottom and highlighted in pink). Click Remove to the right of the course.

What if the teacher doesn't teach a course that is in her list of courses?
If the course has students assigned, then you will need to remove the students. Once the students have been removed, then this course will no longer appear in the teacher's grade book or on a report card. Furthermore, only administrators are able to see empty courses. To remove students from a course, follow these steps:
1.) Click the 'Edit Roster' link for that course in the far right column.
2.) A new internet window/tab will open showing the roster. Underneath the last student's name in the far left column will be a drop down that reads 'Select homeroom'. Do not make any selection in that drop down (do not choose a homeroom) and then click 'Replace Roster'.
3.) The students in the far left column will disappear, which means they have been removed from the course. Close this internet window/tab.
4.) When you return to the list of courses for this teacher in Show Who Teaches What, click the 'Edit' button at the top of the page, which is located next to the instructor drop down.
5.) When the page reloads, the empty course will still appear in the teacher's list of courses in Show Who Teaches What (it will appear near the bottom and highlighted in pink) and this course will no longer appear in the teacher's grade book or on a report card. Furthermore, only administrators are able to see empty courses. To have this empty course removed from Show Who Teaches What, click the 'Remove' button in the far right column for this course.

What if the teacher is missing a course?
If a teacher is missing a course in her grade book, then you will want to add this course to her list of courses in Show Who Teaches What, as well as fill it with students. To do so, follow these steps:
1.) In Show Who Teaches What, select the instructor's name at the top; click 'Edit'.
2.) When the page loads, scroll down to the bottom, left hand corner and look for the 'Course List' drop down under the heading 'Add Course'.
3.) Click on 'Course List' and look in the alphabetical list of course names for the course that is needed. Try to find a course with a similar grade level and select that course.
4.) Click the 'Add Course' button to copy that course and place it in the list of courses. The course will be empty and will appear near the bottom and highlighted in pink.
5.) To add students to the course, you have two options:
a.) If the course is being taught to this teacher's homeroom students, then click the 'Add Homeroom Students' link in the far right column. This will automatically place her homeroom students directly into thise course.
b.) If the course is not being taught to her homeroom but instead to a different grade level or homeroom, then click the 'Edit Roster' link for that course in the far right column. A new internet window/tab will open showing the roster. Underneath the far left column will be a drop down that reads 'Select homeroom'. Select the homeroom and then click 'Replace Roster'. The students will appear in the far left column, which means they have been added to the course. Close this internet window/tab. When you return to the list of courses for this teacher in Show Who Teaches What, you will want to refresh the page by clicking the 'Edit' button at the top of the page, which is located next to the instructor drop down.

What if the teacher teaches this course but to a different grade/homeroom?
If a teacher has the correct course but the students in the course are incorrect, then you will need to replace the students. To do so, follow these steps:
1.) Click the 'Edit Roster' link for that course in the far right column. A new internet window/tab will open showing the roster.
2.) Underneath the far left column will be a drop down that reads 'Select homeroom'. Select the homeroom and then click 'Replace Roster'. The new roster of students will apeear in the far left column. Close this internet window/tab.
3.) When you return to the list of courses for this teacher in Show Who Teaches What, you will want to refresh the page by clicking the 'Edit' button at the top of the page, which is located next to the instructor drop down.

Why is this course locked and how can I unlock it?
A locked course means that this exact course (course ID#), has been taught before in a previous school year and has transcript history tied to it. If you need to make changes to a locked course, follow these steps:
1.) Scroll down to the bottom left hand corner, below the last course listed. Look for the 'Reassign Course' heading and drop down.
2.) Select the course you would like to have unlocked (make sure to select the correct course name AND course ID).
3.) Next to the course drop down, select the name of the teacher (the same teacher who is currently teaching the course); click 'Reassign Course'.
4.) When the page refreshes, there will be a new course ID for that course and it will also be unlocked. The original, locked course will still appear in the teacher's list of courses in Show Who Teaches What but it will be empty and will appear near the bottom and highlighted in pink. To have this empty course removed from Show Who Teaches What, click the 'Remove' button in the far right column for this course.

Please note, when making changes to a course in 'Edit Details', do NOT change the course name. If the name of the course is incorrect or needs to be changed, please read the instructions for: What if the course name needs to be changed?

What does the year mean next to a course ('2016', '2015', etc.)?
A locked course means that this exact course (course ID#), has been taught before in a previous school year and has transcript history tied to it. Unless you need to make changes to the course, the year stamp will not affect anything and you can continue to use this course and fill it with students. If you need to make changes to a locked course, follow these steps:
1.) Scroll down to the bottom left hand corner, below the last course listed. Look for the 'Reassign Course' heading and drop down.
2.) Select the course you would like to have unlocked (make sure to select the correct course name AND course ID).
3.) Next to the course dropw down, select the name of the teacher (the same teacher who is currently teaching the course); click 'Reassign Course'.
4.) When the page refreshes, there will be a new course ID for that course and it will also be unlocked. The original, locked course will still appear in the teacher's list of courses in Show Who Teaches What but it will be empty and will appear near the bottom and highlighted in pink. To have this empty course removed from Show Who Teaches What, please contact HelpDesk.

Please note, when making changes to a course in 'Edit Details', do NOT change the course name. If the name of the course is incorrect or needs to be changed, please read the instructions for: What if the course name needs to be changed?

How can I remove an empty/unused course?
Empty courses will appear in the teacher's list of courses in Show Who Teaches What near the bottom and highlighted in pink. Empty courses will not appear in the teacher's grade book or on a report card. Furthermore, only administrators are able to see empty courses. To have this empty course removed from Show Who Teaches What, click the 'Remove' button in the far right column for this course.

What if a teacher has a duplicate course?
If the duplicate course is not needed has students in it, then follow these steps to remove the students from the course:
1.) Click the 'Edit Roster' link for that course in the far right column.
2.) A new internet window/tab will open showing the roster. Underneath the last student's name in the far left column will be a drop down that reads 'Select homeroom'. Do not make any selection in that drop down (do not choose a homeroom) and then click 'Replace Roster'.
3.) The students in the far left column will disappear, which means they have been removed from the course. Close this internet window/tab.
4.) When you return to the list of courses for this teacher in Show Who Teaches What, click the 'Edit' button at the top of the page, which is located next to the instructor drop down.
5.) When the page reloads, the empty course will still appear in the teacher's list of courses in Show Who Teaches What (it will appear near the bottom and highlighted in pink). To have this empty course removed from Show Who Teaches What, click the 'Remove' button in the far right column for this course.

If the course does not have students in it (the course is empty/unused and highlighted in pink), then this course will no longer appear in the teacher's grade book or on a report card. Furthermore, only administrators are able to see empty courses. To have this empty course removed from Show Who Teaches What, click the 'Remove' button in the far right column for this course.

What if the grade book description is incorrect?
The grade book description tytpically reflects the group of students that have been assigned to each course. In most cases, the system will automatically update the grade book description when adding new students to a course. The excpetion is if students have been added manually (by placing check marks next to the students' names and clicking 'Add'). If the grade book description is wrong and you have verified that the correct students are in the course, then follow these steps to change the grade book description:
1.) Click in the grade book description field.
2.) Type in the correct grade book description.
3.) Click the 'Change' button located in a column over to the right. Please note - by changing the grade book description, this does not mean you are changing the students assigned to the course.

If the grade book description is wrong and the students assigned to the course are wrong, then follow these steps to assign the correct students (which will correct the grade book description):
1.) Click the 'Edit Roster' link for that course in the far right column. A new internet window/tab will open showing the roster.
2.) Underneath the far left column will be a drop down that reads 'Select homeroom'. Select the correct homeroom and then click 'Replace Roster'. The new roster of students will apeear in the far left column. Close this internet window/tab.
3.) When you return to the list of courses for this teacher in Show Who Teaches What, you will want to refresh the page by clicking the 'Edit' button at the top of the page, which is located next to the instructor drop down.

What if the subcategories are incorrect?
To change an unlocked course's subcategories, follow these steps:
1.) To the left of the course name, click 'Edit Details'.
2.) A new internet window/tab will open with the details of this course. The center column has to do with adding or removing subcategories. Enter in the number of the corresponding subcategories then click the 'Change' button at the bottom of the left hand column. If you do not know the corresponding number for each subcategory, please reference the subcategory drop down located at the bottom of the center column.

To change the subcategories for a course that is locked, you will need to unlock the course first. Here are the steps to unlocking a course. Once unlocked, follow the steps above.

What if the course name needs to be changed?
We do not recommend changing names of courses in FastDirect. If a course needs to be renamed, then we recommend emptying the incorrectly named course and then adding in the new, correctly named course. For steps on how to empty a course of students, click here. For steps on how to add in a new course, click here.

How can I reassign a course (or courses) to another teacher?
To reassign one course, follow these steps:
1.) Scroll down to the bottom left hand corner, below the last course listed. Look for the 'Reassign Course' heading and drop down.
2.) Select the course you would like to have reassigned (make sure to select the correct course name AND course ID).
3.) Next to the course drop down, select the name of the teacher who you will be reassigning the course to; click 'Reassign Course'.
4.) When the page refreshes, the original course will still appear in the teacher's list of courses in Show Who Teaches What but it will be empty and will appear near the bottom and highlighted in pink. To have this empty course removed from Show Who Teaches What, please contact HelpDesk. A copy of the course (including all the students/grade book grades/report card grades) will have been moved to the other teacher's list of courses.

To reassign all of a teacher's courses to a new teacher, follow these steps:
1.) Scroll down to the bottom left hand corner, below the last course listed. Look for the 'Reassign All Courses' header and drop down.
2.) Select the name of the teacher who you will be reassigning all of the courses to (including all the students/grade book grades/report card grades); click 'Reassign All Courses'.
3.) When the page refreshes, the original courses will still appear in the teacher's list of courses in Show Who Teaches What but they will be empty and will appear near the bottom and highlighted in pink. To have these empty courses removed from Show Who Teaches What, please contact HelpDesk. A copy of these courses will have been moved to the other teacher's list of courses.

What if the grade scale is wrong?
To change an unlocked course's grade scale, follow these steps:
1.) In the grade scale field (to the right of the grade book description field), type in the new grade scale ID number.
2.) Click the 'Change' button located in a column over to the right.
If you do not know the grade scale ID numbers, please reference the grade scale list (go to Grades, then Show All Scales In Use).

To change the grade scale for a course that is locked, you will need to unlock the course first. Here are the steps to unlocking a course. Once unlocked, follow the steps above.

What if the students in the course are duplicated or doubled?
If the roster of students for a course has been doubled (each student's name appears twice), then you will follow these steps:
1.) Click the 'Edit Roster' link for that course in the far right column. A new internet window/tab will open showing the roster.
2.) Underneath the far left column will be a drop down that reads 'Select homeroom'. Select the homeroom and then click 'Replace Roster'. The new roster of students will apeear in the far left column. Close this internet window/tab.
3.) When you return to the list of courses for this teacher in Show Who Teaches What, you will want to refresh the page by clicking the 'Edit' button at the top of the page, which is located next to the instructor drop down.

If a teacher has left, how can I assign her courses to the new teacher?
To reassign all of an inactive teacher's courses to a new teacher, follow these steps:
1.) In Show Who Teaches What, select the new teacher and click Edit
2.) Scroll down to the bottom left hand corner. Look for the 'Give Courses To (Instructor's name):' header and drop down.
3.) Select the name of the teacher who has been made inactive (those names appear toward the bottom of the list); click 'Reassign All Courses'.
4.) When the page refreshes, the courses will appear in the teacher's list but they will be empty and will still need to be filled with the necessary students.