Q:     How do I attach a file to an FDmail message?
A: 1: Click the 'Compose' button to create a new message

2: Select your recipient and type the message as normal

Note: There are two methods to attach a file; Option A is for files that have not been uploaded yet and
Option B is for files that have already been uploaded.

Option A - This method allows you to select multiple files from one directory/folder.

  1. Scroll down below the message field and look for the line that reads 'Select Files'
  2. Click the 'Browse' or 'Choose Files' button. This will bring up a file browser which allows you to attach files from your computer
  3. Go to the directory where your files are saved. Note: To attach multiple files, all files must be saved in the same directory/folder on your computer.
  4. On a PC, press Ctrl + and click on the files you need; On a Mac, press Command + and click on the files
  5. Click 'Open' to attach the files
  6. Click 'Send' to send your message


Option B - Already uploaded files
  1. Scroll down below the message field and look for the line that reads 'Add attachments' and click on the 'From Uploads' drop down
  2. Select a file you have already uploaded
  3. Click 'Send' to send your message

When you attach a file to an FDmail message with Option A, that file is uploaded to FastDirect and will appear in your File Manager (accessed by clicking 'File Manager').