Q:     How do I enable the SMS Text Messaging feature for my school?
A: text faq
SMS Text Notification Feature

An FDmail message notification will be sent via TEXT message to parents' cell phones. Only those who have elected to allow (activated) the feature will receive the notification because normal cell phone provider text message fees apply.

SMS technology will strip any HTML code used within the message. Information sent via text messaging is not secure. Do not include any sensitive material. FCC regulations apply. Messages retrieved from the school portal are protected by USER passwords and Secure Socket Layer, to help ensure the privacy and integrity of information transmitted over the internet.

Enable the SMS Text Notification Feature

Step 1:
Click on the 'Settings' icon in the top navigation bar.

Step 2:
Click on 'FDmail' in the left hand navigation bar.

Step 3:
Check mark the option 'Enable SMS Text Notification' and click 'Save Changes'. Once you have enabled this option, parents will be able to go into their parent files and activate their account to receive a text notification.