Planner: Bulletin Boards and Calendars

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Bulletin Boards    
Mrs. Beth Smith  Resource  Calendar
198 views since 08/17/2023

Welcome to Mrs. Smith's Bulletin Board!

"Peace, Love, Comets."

Resource and Formation

Faith Formation: (Sunday and time for practicing Mass parts).

I am honored to continue this ministry and my tenth year as the coordinator/liaison. This part of my position was designed by Ms. Doherty, Fr. Jim Benz, and our School Improvement Committee. The goal is to achieve unity between day school, P.S.R., Academy of the Sacred Heart, and other schools within the St. Cletus Parish. I assist Mrs. Laura Henderson with the two Masses of Commitment for second and eighth grade classes. I am responsible for facilitating the remaining monthly class and family Masses during the school year.

I am happy to report that we will be having fellowship after the Masses of Commitment and the monthly Class and Family Masses. Fellowship is usually held in the Parish Hall and consists of time to meet with one another, pray together, and enjoy donuts, coffee, and juice. Many of the teachers try to attend the Masses for their students and I will introduce them during fellowship. In addition, they do work with me to prepare our student volunteers. You may find a copy of the schedule via a link on Fast Direct for day and evening school, and a hard copy was sent to all families prior to the beginning of this school year. Furthermore, these special Masses are included in the general calendar of the 2022-2023 school year as well as below for your convenience.

Typically, Masses are held at 9:30 A.M. with the exception of the 8th Grade Mass of Commitment which is usually held at 11:30 A.M.

**Please note that we will have our fellowship in the School Cafeteria for the December 11th Class and Family Mass. There is a private function in the Parish Hall.

I am honored to write a weekly reflection based on the Scriptures each week during the school year. This is sent to our day school, evening school, home-school families (St. Cletus Parish), Fr. Benz, and the faculty and staff. This is a beautiful way to pray as one family (the larger body of Christ). In addition, I am planning on sending out a monthly calendar of saints. Father Benz has been doing this in his parish-wide E-Mails and it is a good reminder to remember that we are called to be saints. While the Church does an excellent job teaching us about so many, there are countless others that we may never hear or learn about. I always look forward to learning about newer saints who become blessed and then move forward with the beatification process.

Please know that I keep you in my daily prayers, even when school is not in session. It is so incredibly wonderful to be able to freely worship and learn about God without hesitancy or fear.

Peace, blessings, and love,

Mrs. Beth Smith

In the past, we have had families choose to participate with the monthly Class and Family Masses as they regularly serve as Extra Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, lector, sing in the choir, or usher. Extra Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist or those who serve as lectors, may contact Mr. Tony Scoggin ( if you would like to be scheduled for a particular class Mass. If you serve as an usher, contact Mike Sullentrop. If you have children who are altar servers and would to to serve during a Mass in which a sibling or relative is participating in, please contact Deacon McCarthy.

*Servers: Students in grades 5 - 8 are encouraged as well as needed! Please contact Deacon McCarthy to train for this special ministry. It is a beautiful way to help serve our Lord and the larger body of Christ.

RESOURCE CLASS: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

This will be my tenth year serving in the capacity of Resource Teacher. I hold a Master's Degree in Special Needs and Gifted Students. This class is designed to assist our students, their families, and faculty. It is a wonderful opportunity and one that I enjoy and look forward to every year! Some of our students receive outside assistance for academics and speech. These services are with St. Charles School District, Orchard Farm, Fort Zumwalt, and Francis Howell districts and I am the liaison for our students. Some of my responsibilities include creating and maintaining Individualized Learning Plans. These are for students who have diagnosed learning disabilities and or medical disabilities that have an impact of education. I serve these students, their families, and teachers first. In the past, I have had teacher referrals and I am most happy to assess our children and help them to the best of my ability. Throughout the year, I may see students who need to take a test or do make-up work due to absences.

My goal is to empower my students with confidence and help provide them with tools and strategies in order to be successful academically, emotionally, and spiritually. I always tell them that they are "I'mpossible" not Impossible.

My classroom is set-up to be a loving, supportive, and quiet environment. Differentiated learning techniques are incorporated as students need variety and various strategies.

Monthly Class and Family Mass Schedule - 2023-2024

1. September 17, 2023 - Second Grade Mass of Commitment (9:30 A.M.)

2. October 8, 2023 - Eighth Grade Mass of Commitment (11:30)

3. November 12, 2023 - Seventh Grade Monthly Class and Family Mass (9:30)

4. December 10, 2023 - Sixth Grade Monthly Class and Family Mass (9:30) Fellowship in the school
cafeteria after Mass

5. January 21, 2024 - Fifth Grade Monthly Class and Family Mass (9:30 A.M.)

6. February 11, 2024 - Fourth Grade Class and Family Mass (9:30 A.M.)

7. March 17, 2024 - Third Grade Class and Family Mass (9:30 A.M.)

8. April 28, 2024 - First Grade and Kindergarten Monthly Class and Family Mass (9:30 A.M.)

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