Planner: Bulletin Boards and Calendars

Sts. Joachim & Ann Communications

Bulletin Boards    
Ms. NaRetta Forrester  Grade 7  Calendar
15 views since 09/23/2024

This week in Social Studies our 6th and 7th graders will have their first quiz. Our 6th graders have been working hard on a World Map project and memorizing were the 7 continents and 5 oceans are. They have also been learning about longitude and latitude. This Fridays quiz will cover both subjects.

Our 7th graders have also been working hard on learning longitude and latitude, even doing a live interactive side walk chalk map. This Fridays quiz will cover their knowledge on what they have learned this week.
Our 8th graders has been working on learning information about the 13 original colonies and will continue to learn important information on the founding of American and will have a quiz next week over what they have learned.

For English all students have been working hard on sentence structure, and covering our basics... noun, adjectives, and so on. We are reading aloud in class different Narratives, as each grade level will start to work on their own narrative essay next week, while they continue to learn more about proper grammar usage.

Our 6,7, & 8th graders are finishing up their Narrative papers. 6 and 7th graders are turning in their rough drafts on 9/3 and 8th turns in 1 1/2 pages of their narrative in 8/30. Finals for 6 and 7th will be due 9/6 and Finals for 8th are due 9/4. All students have been given some creative licensing with their paper, but must still be a narrative. Many are enjoying the creative process. I am looking forward to reading them! 6th grade requirements are a personal narrative with 1 full page. 7th grade must have a title page not included in page count and 2 pages for paper. 8th grade must also have a title page and 2-4 pages, though I do have several who keep asking me if they can make a novel at this point! They must all be in MLA format which we have covered in class.
Again I am looking forward to reading their work! Have a great Labor Day!

Happy Monday!!!

This week we have a lot going on for such a short week!!

Monday 7th graders have their Grammar Quiz over Lessons 1-4 in English. In Social Studies they present their posters last week over Ancient Civilizations of Mesopotamia and Abraham, Israel and David, Greece and the Apostle Paul, and Egypt and Moses. This week we are moving on to Ancient Greece and studying the Greek Gods. Look for the next project coming after testing.

6th grade: English we are working on Simple Solutions and taking our quiz on lessons 5-8 on Tuesday. We have also been working on Oral Storytelling with the understanding of inflection and dramatic pauses. The students have been researching their own short poems or story and will be reading them allowed on Wednesday.
Social Studies-We have been learning about Landforms and bodies of water and will be finishing our lessons today with review and bingo and having our test on Tuesday.

8th grade- English- We will be finishing up our Simple Solutions lessons 1-4 and taking our quiz on Wednesday.
Social Studies we have been working on learning the Preamble, understanding the Declaration of Independence and learning about the 13 colonies. We have also been working on a Poster project that gives us a time line of the American Revolution. Thursday we will take our Unit test. The students will need to know the 52 words of the Preamble and information we have covered thus far in our Unit.

All the students will be getting their narrative story grades back this week.

Have a great week and we look forward to the break and the Parish Picnic!!

Happy September 23-27th!!

6th grade:
English: We are working on Drama, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Focus. We will be working collaboratively to develop our readers theater unit and at the end will be preforming Rapunzel and Cinder-Really, fractured fairy tales.
Social Studies: This week we started our new unit on Ancient Civilizations: Mesopotamia and Egypt. Students will be learning new vocabulary and starting a project on irrigation and working on comparing and contrasting with assessment along the way.

7th grade:
English: This week we are starting our readers theatre and will focus on fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and performance. 7th grade will be working on a mystery-The Mystery of the Crooked Competition.

8th grade:
English: We are continuing our introduction into Readers theatre we have been working on learning fluency, vocabulary, and different aspects of performance, today they will be presenting a pantomime of different fairy tales that incorporate pantomiming with background music only. We will continue to work on collaboration skills and listening skills for 8th grade.
Social Studies: We have started Unit 2 on the , Building a Nation, leading up to the introduction of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We will focus on vocabulary, events, people, and the governmental structures.
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