Planner: Bulletin Boards and Calendars

Holy Redeemer Communications

Bulletin Boards    
Ms. Mary Kaiser  PE  Calendar
61 views since 08/18/2024

Everything is awesome when you’re part of the TEAM!

Welcome to PE for the school year 2024-2025! Lots of fun is in store! Please see below for important information.

When will I come to PE?
Monday, Tuesday, and/or Thursday
Please check with your classroom teacher for your specific days or see below.

What should I wear?
Please see the school handbook for specifics.

What are the expectations?
Walk into the gym
Listen to the teacher
Follow directions
Be a good sport
Try your hardest
Remember nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37

What happens if I do not follow the rules?
I have three strikes and you’re out policy. If I have to redirect you more than two times to follow classroom expectations then you will sit out of PE class until we can talk and find a solution so you can fully participate in class again.

How is my grade determined?
Please see the school handbook for grading specifics.
A grade level rubric/grading criteria will also be provided.

Conduct for PE K-8 is as follows:

Students in grades K-5 will be given a letter grade. Students in grades 6-8 will still receive a +,* or blank ( + above and beyond,* needs improvement, blank is doing what is expected )

What happens if I am injured?
If you need to be excused from PE for any reason, a note from a doctor is necessary. Please bring it with you to class or you may send an email to the office at Write a PE note on the subject line.

What are we going to do in PE this year?
We are going to play lots of fun sports, learn new games and activities and learn about fitness as well. Some things you may know, others may be new to you! Always come ready to learn, be safe, practice good sportsmanship, and HAVE FUN!

How do I contact Ms. Kaiser?
E-mail is always best at
School Phone 314-962-8989

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23

K-3 Rubric Link

4-8 Rubric Link

What options does the Youth Presidential Fitness Program give to schools to recognize students who meet Fitness Grams criterion-based standards for Physical Education?

Printing students names on school letters and providing certificates or digital badges.

The two primary award options for 8th grade at Holy Redeemer will be The Presidential Youth Fitness Award which recognizes students who achieve the Healthy Fitness Zone Standard Score in 4 of the 5 categories. Secondly, students in 8th grade will have the option to be recognized for The Presidential Active Lifestyle Award ( PALA+ ) that recognizes students who make physical activity and healthy eating part of their everyday life.

August 1, 2024

Dear Holy Redeemer Parents,

I want to share with you the five goal areas that I plan to use this year that are aligned with National and Missouri standards:

The Students of Holy Redeemer will:

Develop skills sufficient to participate successfully in a variety of physical activities.
Become physically fit or keep up the high level of fitness already attained.
Learn the benefits of regular participation in health-enhancing activities and the knowledge related to becoming fit and healthy.
Exhibit appropriate personal and social behavior.
Demonstrate the personal value and joy of regular participation in activities of one's choosing.

I am happy to elaborate on each but know this will provide a standards-based approach to the Holy Redeemer Physical Education Program. Please log onto the STL Archdiocese website if you want to review the Archdiocesan Expectations for Physical Education broken down by grade level.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns. E-mail is always best at or the school phone number is 314-962-8989. I am so excited for the 2024-2025 school year! I hope you are having a great summer!

God Bless!


Ms. Mary DeAnn Kaiser

Monday PE Schedule 2024-2025

8:15 am to 9:00 am 7th Grade

9:20 am to 10:05 5th Grade

10:05 am to 11:15 am Plan / Lunch

11:15am to 11:45am 1st Grade

11:45 am to 12:10 pm Plan

12:10 pm to 12:55 pm 6th Grade

12:55 pm to 1:25 pm Kindergarten

1:25 pm to 1:55 pm 2nd Grade

1:55 pm to 2:25 pm 3rd Grade

2:25 pm to 3:05 pm 4th Grade

Tuesday PE Schedule 2024-2025

8:15 am to 9:00 am 8th Grade

9:05 am to 9:50 am 4th Grade

9:50 am to 10:10 am PK

10:10am to 10:30am PK

10:30am to 11am 2nd Grade

11 am to 11:30 pm 1st Grade

11:30 am to 12:10 pm Plan/Lunch

12:10 pm to 12:55 pm 6th Grade

12:55 pm to 1:40 pm Plan

1:40 pm to 2:25 pm 5th Grade

2:30 pm to 3:00 pm Kindergarten

Thursday PE Schedule 2024-2025

8:20 am to 8:40 am PK

8:40 am to 9:00 am PK

9:00am to 9:30am 2nd Grade

10:30 am to 11:10 am Lunch/Plan

11:10 am to 11:30 am PS

11:30am to 11:50am PS

11:50am to 12:10am Plan

12:10 pm to 12:55 pm 7th Grade

1:00 pm to 1:30 pm 3rd Grade

1:25 pm to 1:55 pm Plan

2:00 pm to 2:30 pm Kindergarten

2:30 pm to 3:00 pm 1st Grade

Read, Right and Run Information 2024

Field Day 2024 Updates

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