Q:     How can a school encourage their parents to log in to FastDirect?
A: Getting your parents online can sometimes be a struggle but we've found that parents who routinely log into
their FastDirect account will set the stage for a more cohesive school community. The most important step to
getting them to log in is to have them download the Parent App. Parents can download the FastDirect Parent
App by going to the Apple Store or in Google Play.

Here are some strategies to help get your parents online on a regular basis:
  • Re-registration is a great time to ask your returning families to log-on and update their parent data form.
    Furthermore, it's a good time for schools to go green with their registration packets, by using the file
    upload feature. Place registration packets on the login page, Links, Bulletin Boards, or send as an
  • Increase communications by allowing SMS Text notifications and encourage your parents to choose
    the auto-notification options in the parent accounts. The more they are aware of messages being sent to
    them in FastDirect, the more likely they are to log in.
  • Prepare your 7th and 8th graders for high school by giving them their screen name/password for their
    student account. This will allow them to go onto the system and see their grades, assigments and
  • Give your school organizations access to the site (athletic association, PTA/PTO, scouts, fundraising)
    so they can communicate with the school community too.