Q:     How can I change a person's tuition rate after payments have already started?
A: If for some reason a person's tuition rate has changed after payments have already started, you can make the necessary changes to reflect this. Essentially, you will apply the new tuition rate for the remaining months and any deposits that they have already paid will remain in the account. The only thing that will be removed are the postings (charges) for the previous months. Once you have entered in the new tuition total and payment schedule, then you will make a negative deposit for what they have paid earlier. Here are the steps:

1.) Pull up the family's tuition payment schedule
2.) Make a mental note of how many months they have been charged already and at which amount (for this example, I will say $100 for 5 months)
3.) Edit the tuition total to reflect the new amount
4.) Edit the payment schedule to reflect the new payment postings (for example, 5 payments, 1 month apart)
5.) Click the 'Go' button for the student (repeat steps 2-5 if there are other kids)
6.) Click the Post button if the first payment has already occurred
*7.) In the Deposit Amount box, type in the total amount for what they were charged for the beginning part of the year as a negative number (for this example, it would be $-500)
8.) In the field to the left, remove the check number words and type in a note, something to the effect of 'Tuition charges for Aug-Dec'
9.) Click 'Submit'

* = If you would like to make a Charge to the tuition account (instead of a negative deposit), you will need to leave Tuition Setup and return to the main Finance page. Once there, you will follow these steps:
1.) Select the family's name in the Select Parent drop down field at the top of the page
2.) Click the 'Show Balance/Log Transactions' button
3.) Once the page refreshes, you will have a column for the Tuition account and a row for charges. Where the column and row meet you can enter in the amount to be charged
4.) In the Withdrawal Source field, erase those words and type in a note, something to the effect of 'Tuition charges for Aug-Dec'
5.) Click the 'Submit this charge' button
6.) Click the 'Really Submit' button to complete the transaction