Q:     Virtual Attendance Definitions: Virtual and Virtual due to COVID
A: virtual for teachers Daily Student Attendance: Virtual and Virtual due to COVID

First, imagine that there are 3 "schools" or methods of instruction that your students can enroll in: In-School, Virtual, or Virtual due to COVID-19.  Also, which "school" they are enrolled in can change daily depending on your local policy.

With this in mind...

Step 1 ) Decide which school your student is enrolled in today.

virtual definitions

Step 2)
  Decide which applies according to your local attendance policy.
  1. Present:  In the school building or following your virtual school attendance policy
  2. Tardy:  Late for in-school learning or late to virtual school according to your attendance policy
  3. Left Early:  Left the school building early or left virtual school early according to your attendance policy
  4. Absent:  Not in the school building if that is expected or not following your virtual school attendance policy


exampleLet's say Michael is in the Virtual School (virtual program) today and he is doing his work as described by your local attendance policy. First, you would ask yourself which school or program is little Michael enrolled in today? It's the Virtual program! Next, you would consider your local attendance policy to determine if he's present or absent for the Virtual School today. For this example, Michael is present!

Conversely, let's say that Michael is enrolled in the Virtual School today, but did not follow your policy for being considered present. So in that case, you would decide that Michael is a) Virtual and b) Absent.