Q:     How can I add a link to the Links page?
A: How to Add a Link to the Links page
  1. Go to Links
  2. Click Add/Edit
  3. Scroll down near the bottom to the option that reads 'Add New Link to URL'
    • Select the Category which is the heading you would like your link to be under
    • Select whether you want the link to be Public 'Yes' or 'No'
      • Yes = Public and a user does not have to be logged in in order to see it
      • No = Not Public and means that a user must be logged in to FastDirect in order to see it
    • Select 'Yes' to make the link active (choosing No means it won't be viewable by anyone/inactive)
    • Type in the text that will be your link (these are the words that people will click on)
    • Type in a short description to further describe your link (optional)
    • Leave the target setting at 'blank' (this is a coding term that tells the browser to open the link in a new tab)
  4. Click Add Link