Q: How do we sync our data with CrisisGo?
A: Here are the steps for syncing your FastDirect data with CrisisGo:

Step 1 - Review Rosters
  • Go to Reports, then Student Rosters and make sure all rosters are correct
Step 2 - Assign Courses
  • Go to Grades, then Show Who Teaches What and make sure all students are in at least one course (this includes preschool students)
  • Note - For schools that do not normally assign courses to preschool students, it will be necessary to place those students into a generic 'dummy' course. Contact HelpDesk to walk you through this process.
Step 3 - Generate Reports
  • Go to Reports, then Integrations, then CrisisGo and click 'Generate CrisisGo Files'
  • Note - If you are an administrator and you are unable to see 'CrisisGo' under Reports/Integrations, please let HelpDesk know so that you can be given this permission
Step 4 - Sync with CrisisGo
  • Option 1 - Nightly Sync

    Use this method if you can wait until tomorrow for CrisisGo to update. With this method, CrisisGo will sync your data for you in the evening. In other words, their system will not reflect any changes until that time.
    • Click the button 'FTP CrisisGo Files'

  • Option 2 - Immediate Sync

    Use this method if you want CrisisGo to use your current data today. With this method, CrisisGo will sync your data after you follow the steps below and your CrisisGo system will reflect any changes right away.

    • Once your data has been synced with CrisisGo, it will be updated into the CrisisGo system overnight. If you need to have the update happen sooner, then you can follow these steps:
      • Log into your CrisisGo account
      • Click on Rosters in the top menu, then 'Sync Management'
      • In the left hand menu, click on 'CSV/Import'
      • Under the heading for SFTP Configuration, click on the 'Sync' option (link)
      • When the page refreshes, click the 'Import' button
Please remember that if any data changes with students or staff during the school year, these steps will need to be repeated.