Q: How can I create a WildCard for my parents to acknowledge that they have viewed the ReportCard (a virtual signature)? |
Step 1: Click on the Settings icon Step 2: In the left hand menu, click on 'People' Step 3: In the option for 'Manage WildCards', click on the link for 'Add/Edit WildCards' Step 4: In the bottom of the WildCard box is a place to create a new WildCard. Select 'Parents' in the drop down for the option 'Applies to:' Step 5: In the description for the WildCard, type in how you would like it to be titled. For this example, we have chosen to title it as '1st Qtr ReportCard (Initials + date)' Step 6: Click the 'Add New WildCard' button Step 7: When the screen refreshes, the new WildCard will appear in the list of available Parent WildCards. To the right of the WildCard will be some setting options and the first of those options is an important step. Please mark the option for Parent Access Controls to 'Edit Information', then click the 'Save Changes' button. This will allow the parents to enter in their initials and date into their WildCard from their parent account. Once you have created this new WildCard for your parents and allowed them to make changes to the WildCard, then you are finished with this set up. Your parents will now be able to log into their accouts and enter in their initials and date to let the school know that they have viewed the report cards. You may need to create additional WildCards for any other ReportCard grading periods, such as Q2, Q3 etc. |