Q:     What kind of changes can I make to my school's login page?
A: The login page, where you sign into FastDirect, can be updated or changed to better suit your school's image and message.
Here are some of the features that can be changed on your login screen:
  • The images displayed - either in the left hand navigation bar or above the login box
  • Any of the text that appears above the login box, as well as some of the text that appears below the login box
  • Any of the colors displayed, either in the left hand navigation bar or above the login box
Here is some of the information that can be added, changed, stylized, revised or removed on your login screen:
  • the school's name
  • the school's contact information
  • the names of any administrators - principals, directors, clergy etc.
  • the school's mission statement, Bible quotes, or announcements/messages
  • the school's awards and achievements
For examples of login pages that utilizes some of the available functions, such as color, links, formating, click on the link below.
In the left hand navigation bar on the login page are links to additional login page examples. These example login pages are not
templates, but rather a collection of possibilities.

Click this link to view sample login page designs.

Contact HelpDesk to get started with the changes you would like made to your school's login page!