Q:     How can I clean up or re-order my staff list?
A: Keeping your staff list in order and maintained is extremely helpful and beneficial to many different functions
within FastDirect. This is particularly important during the Summer Transition steps and the start of a new
schoolyear when staff changes are most common. Follow these steps to keep the staff list in order and up-to-date:

Click on People then Staff. In the image below, please note the out-going 5th grade homeroom teacher's
account (Jenelle Clinton) and the incoming 5th grade homeroom's teacher account (Sarah Terry). The account
for Jenelle needs to be inactivated and the account for Sarah needs to be modified and moved up the list. Also
note that the first column of information contains the order numbers for each account.

Step 1 - Click on Abi's name/account (it is a link in blue).
Step 2 - (see image below) Add the teacher's initials to their ClassID. (When inactivating a teacher's account, it is important
to add the person's initials to their ClassID. A staff person's ClassID must be unique so when a teacher is
leaving the school, if the initials are added, this allows the next person to fill their spot to use the original
ClassID. In this specific example, Jenelle is no longer the 5th grade homeroom teacher, so we are adding her
initials to her ClassID. This allows the new 5th grade homeroom teacher (Sarah) to have the ClassID of '5'.)
Step 3 - (see image below) In the Type Staff drop down, choose 'Inactive'.
Step 4 - (see image below) Click 'Save Changes'.

Step 6 - (see image below) Change Sarah's ClassID to '5' so that is consistent with the ClassIDs of the other homeroom
teachers' account. (In Step 2, we modified Jenelle's ClassID so that Sarah can have the ClassID of '5'.)
Step 7 - (see image below) Change her order number to '9'. (When a new staff account is created, the system automatically
places the new account at the very bottom of the active staff accounts. Moving Sarah's account further
up the list will help keep the homeroom teacher accounts grouped together and in grade order.)
Step 8 - (see image below) Click 'Save Changes'.

This final image shows Sarah's account between the 4th and 6th grade account with a consistent ClassID.
Jenelle's account has been inactivated and the system has moved it to the gray/inactive staff list.

Note 1 - Sarah's account has been moved to order #9 and her ClassID has been made consistant with
the other homeroom teacher account ClassIDs.
Note 2 - The inactive staff account has a new ClassID (5JC) which allows the new homeroom teacher's
account to stay consistant with the other homeroom teacher account ClassIDs.