Q:     How do I add a new teacher, staff, or admin account into the FastDirect system?
Step 1: Click on the People icon
Step 2: Click on Staff
Step 3: Scroll to the bottom of the staff list and begin entering in the information for the new staff account

Step 4: The Title field is for Mr., Mrs., Ms. etc.
Step 5: The First and Last name fields are required.  If you do not know the name of the person yet, you can always enter a pseudonym, such as 'First' for their first name and 'Last' for their last name.
Step 6: ClassID field is required.  It is also the only field that needs to be unique (no one else can have the same ClassID, either active or inactive).  For teachers, a typical ClassID is the grade level they are teaching or their primary subject. If an out-going staff person has the ClassID that should be assigned to this incoming staff person, then you can edit the inactive or out-going account to change their ClassID.  For out-going or inactive staff, we recommend adding their initials to their ClassID.  Also note that the ClassID can not have any spaces.
Step 7: The Description field is just a longer explanation of their role/position.  For teachers, it is often 'Grade 8, as an example. For other staff, it can be Administrator Assistant or Bookkeeper.
Step 8: The Screen Name and Password fields can either be filled in by you or you can leave them blank and the system can generate them.  If you are adding an Administrator account, you might want to enter in a screen name and password and then write it down on paper.  After the account has been created, you will no longer be able to see their password, as it is a security measure.  If you write this information down, then you can give it to the administrator when they first log in.
Step 9: The Type field is required and has to do with their access/permissions in FastDirect. 'Homeroom' is for the teachers who will be responsible for taking attendance and ordering lunch. 'Admin' is for anyone that needs more access to the information in FastDirect, such as secretaries, principals, and administrative assistants. 'Staff' is for anyone that is not an administrator and also not a homeroom teacher, such as speciality teachers.
Step 10: The Schedule field is only selected for when you are entering a Homeroom teacher account.  The schedule codes are used for attendance and is what determines the start and end time for their students.  If you are creating a new staff account that is not a Homeroom position, then skip this field.
Step 11: The Grade field is only selected for when you are entering a Homeroom teacher account. If you are creating a new staff account that is not a Homeroom position, then skip this field.
Step 12: Click 'Add Staff' to create this new account.

Note: Administrators cannot view other administrators' passwords for
security reasons.
If you need an administrator password, please have
the principal call HelpDesk toll free @ (866) 805-3116.