Q:     Can I transfer/reassign a course (with all students and their grades) to a new teacher?
A: Reassign courses To reassign one course, follow these steps:
  1. Scroll down to the bottom left hand corner, below the last course listed. Look for the 'Reassign Course' heading and drop down.
  2. Select the course you would like to have reassigned (make sure to select the correct course name AND course ID). 
  3. Next to the course drop down, select the name of the teacher who you will be reassigning the course to; click 'Reassign Course'.
  4. When the page refreshes, the original course will still appear in the teacher's list of courses in Show Who Teaches What but it will be empty and will appear near the bottom and highlighted in pink. To have this empty course removed from Show Who Teaches What, please contact HelpDesk. A copy of the course (including all the students/grade book grades/report card grades) will have been moved to the other teacher's list of courses.
To reassign all of a teacher's courses to a new teacher, follow these steps:
  1. Scroll down to the bottom left hand corner, below the last course listed. Look for the 'Reassign All Courses' header and drop down.
  2. Select the name of the teacher who you will be reassigning all of the courses to (including all the students/grade book grades/report card grades); click 'Reassign All Courses'.
  3. When the page refreshes, the original courses will still appear in the teacher's list of courses in Show Who Teaches What but they will be empty and will appear near the bottom and highlighted in pink. To have these empty courses removed from Show Who Teaches What, please contact HelpDesk. A copy of these courses will have been moved to the other teacher's list of courses.