Q:     How do I set up Primary and Secondary accounts?
Step 1 - Click on People, then Staff

Step 2 - Click on the staff account that will be the 'primary' account (the one used for taking attendance, FDmail, Bulletin Boards, etc.) For preschool teachers, you will usually want to use the account that has grade book courses assigned to it. If grade book courses are not consolidated under one account, then you might want to consider having those courses reassigned to the primary account.

Step 3 - In the staff account information, look for the box for assigning Secondary accounts. Place check marks next to the accounts that will be 'secondary' (see image below)

Step 4 - Click 'Save Changes'

Note 1 - When you have assigned secondary accounts to a primary account, those accounts will be flagged, as shown in the image below:

Note 2 - If you want to have any of the secondary accounts removed from appearing in the list of staff in Planner (Bulletin Board), then edit the secondary accounts and check mark the option that reads 'Hide Bulletin Board'. Make sure to click Save Changes when you are finished.

Note 3 - If you want to have any of the secondary accounts removed from appearing in the FDmail recipient list as well as removed from receiving any FDmail, then edit the secondary staff account and check mark the line that reads 'Hide (name) from appearing in any recipient lists for FDmail'. Make sure to click Save Changes when you are finished.

Completing Notes 2 & 3 will allow your teacher to ignore their secondary accounts and only log in under their primary account. Both Notes 2 & 3 are especially helpful for preschool teachers.