Q:     How to setup the cafeteria menu, even when using generic item descriptions:
A: Here are the steps for how to setup the cafeteria menu when using generic item descriptions:
  1. Go to Cafeteria
  2. If you used generic lunch menu items last year, then refer to the menu calendar at the bottom of the page
  3. Arrow back to the last day of school or the last month of school and take note of the items offered
  4. Go to Plan/change the daily menu
  5. Refer to the drop down menu of Master Menu items and take note of the item numbers of each item needed
  6. Refer to the first date listed in the gray box and enter the item numbers where the zeros are showing
  7. Click Save Changes
  8. Refer to the bottom of the gray box where it says, "Select the date to copy to all future lunch days" and click Copy menu items to all future school days