Q: How do I input semester grades on the report card?
A: How to input semester grades on the report card:

First, report card grades must exist for the two quarters that make up the semester.

The semester grade input process follows a similar grade input process that teachers use for inputting their quarterly grades. The teacher reviews the grades the system presents as the average, they import them, and then they save them.
  • Go to Grades and click "X Semester Average Input is Requested"
  • Scroll down to where your courses are listed across the screen and click Input under the heading "Grade" for any course
  • The page will present a column in blue text that shows the semester grade average based on the grade book events within that grading term. Then it will present three columns of potential grades that could be imported. These grades are figured by averaging the report card grades from the quarters that make up the semester. Select a type of grade (Letter grade, Rounded Integer grade, or Rounded letter grade) by clicking on the radial button at the bottom of the column and click "Import from 2 Qtr Avg"
  • At this stage you can review grades and edit based on your judgment. If there are extenuating circumstances, the system gives the teacher control of what grades gets saved on the report card and you do so by typing what you want if editing is appropriate
  • Click "Submit grades as shown above" to save
  • In the bottom left of the screen, you can select another course and click "Input grades for another course" in order to switch courses