Top 8 Reasons Administrators Love Us
1. Security
Real-time attendance allows you to know who is on campus at all times. With one mouse click, office staff and teachers know where children are at all times, even if they have been referred to the nurse's office or principal's office.
2. Communication
Internal Communications
- Office and teachers communicate easily.
- Messages are displayed immediately.
External Communications
A school that closed for months after Hurricane Katrina held itself together using FastDirect. Families kept in touch with other families all over the country and teachers kept in touch with their class even though all of the school's computer equipment was destroyed.
- Secure messaging between home and school.
- All messages are archived and retrievable by the school. This is an essential requirement placed on schools.
- Parents are notified by email when they have a message on the school's FastDirect System.
- Grade books and Financial components have auto-messaging capabilities.
- Parents access assignments with one mouse click. They do not have to access assignments from separate teachers. All of the individual student's assignments are displayed on one page.
- All staff have websites and Internet calendars (with automatic functional linkage to grade books)
- Assignments posted automatically from grade books
- Post documents and newsletter links
3. Record Keeping
- Complete confidential records of disciplinary incidents
- Confidential records of all health related visits to the school clinic or school office
- Staff personnel records
- Certification status, date of hire, years of experience, salary scale level, sick days, etc.
- Academic transcripts for transfers and graduates.
- Attendance records
- Financial records of all transactions in parent accounts available for audit
4. Supervision
- Principal has immediate access to student grades, missing assignments, etc. One mouse click provides a report of all students in trouble academically in the school at any given date.
- Principal can view all teacher grade books to review lessons and how the students are progressing
5. Reporting
- Attendance reports
- Federal Hot lunch reporting
- Diocese reports
- State reports
- Directories
- Parents have one mouse click access to tax year printouts of transactions with the school.
6. Going Paperless
- Report cards, parent financial statements, newsletters, calendars, notes, and much more are available online.
- NO need for:
- paper costs,
- duplicating costs, and
- postage
- or inefficient distribution through book bags.
7. Fund Raising
- Post links to companies that support the school
- Post school "wish lists" and opportunities to donate to the school
8. Recruitment
- Grades online is fast becoming an expectation of parents looking for a school.
- Online new student application communicates immediately to parents that your school is up to date in technology.