8750 Magdalen Avenue Brentwood, MO 63144
Telephone 314-961-0149

Kathy Wiseman, Principal

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The Philosophy and Mission


St. Mary Magdalen School

We, the Priests, Parents, Administration, and Staff of St. Mary Magdalen School believe. . .

. . . that we respect, love, and educate our children in a safe and nurturing environment.

. . . that parents, as the primary Christian role models for their children, have entrusted them to the
faculty and staff to provide a Catholic education.

. . . that all programs will enhance the spiritual, academic, emotional, and physical development of each child.

. . . that our children continue to grow in their faith, respect and duty toward self and others, and in their 
responsibility to and in the world.

. . . that St. Mary Magdalen School empowers the children to live lives of prayer, service, and strong moral 
values; thereby, demonstrating a visible Christian community.

St. Mary Magdalen - Sponsors

Technology Sponsors

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